XIP#53 Extend services from Simple Things LTD


Core Team


This proposal clarifies a budget to extend the DevOps & Support services Javery offers, under contract with Simple Things LTD, to support and improve NFTX systems operations, ongoing development work, and developer relations over the next 12 months.


Having dedicated developer relations, support, and DevOps resources throughout 2023/24 has proven crucial for ongoing development work around NFTX V3, and partnership integrations, as well as beneficial overall for NFTX.

Additional support around ongoing development work enabled faster progress toward reaching NFTX V3 while providing a better developer experience, improved usability, and operability of our services.

NFTX needs to continue having dedicated developer relations, support, and DevOps resources to maintain our momentum and retain the leading position and market advantage we have built in the NFTfi space.


  • We can continue working with Javery, with whom we have experience and are happy with the results.
  • Contracting Simple Things LTD for the next 12 months will allow us to continue operating at peak efficiency and give us the best chance of retaining our leading position and market advantage in the NFTfi space.
  • We will be able to continue making improvements to our systems operations and systems security capabilities so we can comfortably provide the best user experience to our users while keeping our systems secure, reliable, performant, and robust.


None noted.


Contracting Simple Things LTD for 12 months will render them responsible for:

  • Helping to ensure the long-term scalability of the platform
  • Identify and lead third-party integrations with the protocol
  • Increasing the reliability, security, and robustness of our infrastructure and systems
  • Streamlining the relationship between developers and infrastructure
  • Explaining, documenting, and implementing solutions for new features and complex problems to improve the product/protocol
  • Championing security, speed, performance, availability, and quality

Javery will be the primary representative of Simple Things LTD. If Javery cannot fulfill duties, Simple Things LTD will provide a suitable substitute resource to ensure uninterrupted service and agreed-upon obligations.

Extension of the contract after 12 months will require a new proposal. The contract can be terminated at any time by either party.

Funding request - Yes

To contract Simple Things LTD for 12 months, equivalent to a 1 FTE capacity, we’d like to offer the following competitive package, for which funds are required from the DAO treasury.

  • $131,250 USDC yearly vesting schedule using Sablier (or Superfluid/Llamapay if preferred).
  • NFTX (worth $43,750 USD), paid out in advance quarterly at spot price.

These funds are to be paid from the DAO Treasury after the vote passes.

Proposed points of discussion

  • Contract cost

Quorum (For forum)

  • Minimum Quorum: At least five votes
  • Passing Threshold: More than 66.6% (2/3rds) must vote in agreement for the XIP to Pass. For changes to the NFTX contract, more than 70% must vote in agreement for the XIP to pass towards on-chain voting.
  • Yes, extend services
  • No
0 voters