XIP#56 - Project New Wind (Finalized & with Amendments)


ChopChop (NFTX)
Caps (FloorDAO)
Marco (Merit Circle)


  • This is a proposal for a “merger” between NFTX and FloorDAO, in collaboration with Merit Circle. If approved, the result of the proposal would be a combination of the respective teams, products and treasuries of NFTX and FloorDAO (referred to as “Project New Wind”).

  • Project New Wind would have a governance token that the existing governance tokens for NFTX and FloorDAO would be exchangeable into (referred to as “New Token”).

  • As part of the merger, there would be a scheduled release of a novel NFT liquidity protocol, powered by Uniswap V4 and scaled by Base.

  • Relaunch of Floor V2 in the lead up to Project New Wind to seed initial liquidity pools with selected collections.

  • Governance of the New Token would be on-chain, with 20% of the total supply of the New Token being controlled by a smart contract that is subject to on-chain token holder governance.

  • An ownerless Cayman Islands foundation company structure will be incorporated to be adjacent to the DAO and to further the growth and development of Project New Wind, as well as ensure compliance.

  • Expected timeline for completion would be within Q3, in the scenario the proposal is approved without material changes.

  • An identical proposal is being made simultaneously on the governance forum of FloorDAO and proceeding with the proposal is subject to approval by the token holders of both NFTX and FloorDAO.

  • Two additional amendments have been made to the original proposal as a result of forum discussions, merged into this reposted proposal for clarity. We highly advise anyone that votes on the Snapshot Temperature Check to read the entire forum discussion linked under Communications, to understand the origin of these additional amendments.


This proposal seeks approval for a “merger” between the existing NFTX and FloorDAO projects, in collaboration with Merit Circle. This “merger” is intended to result in a new joint project that aims to become an NFT powerhouse. This will be achieved through bundling the forces of these complementary projects (hereafter referred to as “Project New Wind”, which will serve as a placeholder name until a rebrand is complete).

Project New Wind aims to combine the talent, products, and respective treasuries of FloorDAO and NFTX into one unified concept, with the assistance and collaboration of Merit Circle in a range of areas (i.e., marketing support, (re)branding, revised tokenomics, collaborations, offchain structuring and governance). With this integrated operation, we believe that Project New Wind would be well-positioned to lead a new era of NFTfi in the Ethereum ecosystem and promising scaling solutions.

Starting with the release of a novel NFT liquidity product scheduled to launch in Q3 of this year, the goal is to make Project New Wind the market leader in NFTfi infrastructure. We acknowledge the broad scope of these ambitions, but we strongly believe we can achieve these ambitions with the renewed strategy, synergies and connections we can unlock with this proposal.

In an effort to align the interests of all community members of both NFTX and FloorDAO, an identical proposal is currently live simultaneously on the governance forum of both NFTX and FloorDAO. As it’s key that both communities support the proposal, the process and goals discussed herein will be subject to the approval of this proposal by the respective token holders of each project. If for whatever reason this proposal is not approved by the token holders of both NFTX and FloorDAO, or if only the token holders of one project approve the proposal, the contemplated “merger” will not proceed unless the proposal is amended and thereafter approved by the token holders of both NFTX and FloorDAO.


NFTX Background: In 2021, NFTX v1 was created by Alex Gausman (Gaus) with the vision to fractionalize NFT collections by pooling NFTs that shared traits. A basket of these fractionalized assets were used to create “NFT indices”. After launch, this concept had difficulties gaining traction because liquidity was thin and the understanding of these products in 2021 was scarce. With NFTX v2, a pivot was made into an NFT liquidity layer accompanied by a marketplace that allowed for buying, instant selling and the swapping of floor NFTs, making NFTX more user-friendly while maintaining the vision to solve liquidity issues in the space. NFTX v3, which has recently been launched, was developed to take advantage of Uniswap v3’s concentrated liquidity and price oracles (resulting in better integrations with other DeFi products like Wasabi and NFTPerp).

FloorDAO Background: FloorDAO was founded to solve the issue of coordinating deposits into NFTX. It was founded as a result of NFTX struggling to grow organically, because without 20+ items paired with ETH in a pool, the pools were not usable/yielding (spreads were too high). Most users could not afford to bootstrap a pool and impermanent loss was also a major issue. Earlier this year, FloorDAO announced a liquidity layer internally, an alternative implementation to NFTX v3 that unlocks mid-tier, rare and synthetic liquidity with greater incentives for LPs and drastically lower gas fees.

After lengthy discussions about the future of both projects between the teams at both ETHDenver 2024 and online, a strategy to create a joint project was formed. Throughout these discussions, leaders from Merit Circle shared their experiences on various fronts and offered to support our vision of unifying the two brands. By combining forces between NFTX and FloorDAO, with support from Merit Circle, the intention is to create the largest NFTfi project in the NFT ecosystem and dominate this vertical, in both on-chain metrics as well as brand awareness.

A brand new liquidity layer will be the first core product of this “merger”, which is intended to launch between Q3 and Q4 of this year. Subsequent products to grow liquidity are intended to be developed in parallel, starting off with an NFT launchpad and marketplace. Passing this proposal will also mean that we will halt further development of NFTX v3.1 and FloorDAO will halt mainnet activity and relaunch Floor v2 on Base (and other chains in the future) to support Project New Wind’s liquidity coordination efforts. Moving forward, we would direct all resources to the development and support of the new projects’ new liquidity layer. NFTX v3 would be inherited by the merged product and would remain fully operational to keep current (and to-be-migrated) liquidity available for all aggregation marketplaces that support Reservoir, such as Blur and Magic Eden.



  • By merging the NFTX and FloorDAO projects, and having hands-on support from Merit Circle to help launch Project New Wind, we believe that we’ll be able to build a best-in-class team with deep NFTfi experience to create and dominate the next era of NFTfi.

  • With FloorDAO’s current plans to build an alternative liquidity layer for NFTs utilizing Uniswap V4, it makes sense to combine forces on creating the ultimate liquidity layer and subsequent products rather than competing with each other (which would lead to further fragmentation of liquidity in NFTfi).

  • Working together with Merit Circle means we’ll have direct access to the web3 gaming projects they work with (GameFi), a vertical that the existing team members have been very excited about and want to explore further as liquidity providers in the NFT space.

  • Merit Circle brings a lot of expertise to the launch of Project New Wind, specifically in marketing, go-to market strategies, branding, tokenomics, offchain structuring and governance. A good example of this is the release of Sophon, which came to fruition in a similar manner by collaborating with Merit Circle. Our main goal of this proposal is to leverage the elements that made Sophon successful and add other elements that will better suit the NFTfi market.


  • Combining teams might cause friction. However, the NFTX and FloorDAO teams have worked closely together before, and Merit Circle will have a supporting role only, which has demonstrated to be a success for other projects it has assisted.

  • A change in tokenomics and structure may have a (short-term) impact on the behavior of FLOOR and NFTX governance tokens.

  • While we aim to implement simple on-chain governance from the beginning with Project New Wind, the execution period for setting up the merger and the corresponding reorganization of teams requires a variety of offchain actions that are more easily facilitated without having to first implement comprehensive on-chain governance (which we aim to upgrade to later in Phase 2). The intention is to first complete Phase 1 of the merger between NFTX and FloorDAO and thereafter move to implement comprehensive on-chain governance by the token holders of the new, unified concept in Phase 2.

Funding request - Yes - Implementation Requires Funding

Executing this proposal will require nominal initial funding for costs incurred from Cayman Islands legal counsel and other Cayman Islands service providers (approximately $50,000) in connection with the formation of the offchain structure (see below), ongoing annual costs for the same service providers (approximately $15,000) in connection with maintaining the offchain structure. As a sidenote to the FloorDAO community; this proposal will nullify the legal and marketing budget approved pursuant to FIP#74 (such costs will not be incurred).

Moreover, this proposal will have a direct impact on the current treasury, as it requires the NFTX treasury, in its entirety, to be merged with the entire treasury of FloorDAO. As both the NFTX and FLOOR token will be replaced by the New Token, it also means that all theoretical value of the current treasury-held governance tokens of the respective treasuries of both NFTX and FloorDAO will be transferred into the New Token. Every holder of NFTX and FLOOR Governance tokens will be able to migrate (one way swap) their existing tokens into the New Token.

This proposal seeks for the migration window to be open indefinitely. Once the migration window opens, the New Token will be the only eligible governance tokens moving forward, and the old governance tokens of the respective projects will lose their governance rights. Furthermore, each project will transfer the majority of its liquidity paired with the existing governance tokens to this New Token within a 12-month timespan after the migration window opens for the New Token. If the proposal is approved, we therefore encourage anyone who wishes to participate in Project New Wind to migrate within 12 months of the migration window opening. Any token holder who does not approve of Project New Wind can vote no on the proposal, and if the proposal is approved anyway, such token holders can choose to stop partaking in [NFTX/FloorDAO] by selling their respective tokens prior to or after the opening of the migration window for the New Token.


50% of the supply of the New Token will be reserved for the FloorDAO and NFTX communities/token holders. The exchange ratio for the migration will be based on estimated fair value ratios between NFTX token and FLOOR token at the time of this proposal passing. Currently, this ratio sits at approximately 2:1, which would lead into a 33.3% claim for NFTX holders and 16.6% claim for FLOOR holders.

Token distribution for New Token will look as follows:

  • Team 20% (used for team/current contributors)*

  • Treasury 30% (used to fuel long-term growth of Project New Wind - platform incentives, LP incentives, reserves, strategic rounds if necessary, grants to future contributors etc.)**

  • Community 50% (reserved for NFTX and FloorDAO token holders to migrate NFTX and FLOOR tokens, respectively, to New Tokens)***

*Team tokens will be split among the team of contributors formed by NFTX, FloorDAO and Merit Circle’s treasury. The tokens will be subject to a minimum of a 6-month cliff upon the opening of the migration window and a 30-month linear vesting period thereafter. For the avoidance of doubt, all NFTX and FloorDAO team members with existing team vesting schedules applicable to NFTX and FLOOR tokens will be terminated and replaced with the vesting schedule for New Token described above (with the exception of Gaus, who will continue to receive NFTX tokens under his existing vesting schedule, which he will be able to periodically convert into New Token at his discretion).

**In Phase 1, 20% of the total supply of New Token (2/3 of the 30% allocation to the treasury of Project New Wind) will be controlled by a smart contract that is subject to on-chain token holder governance. The remaining amount (10% of the total supply of New Token or ⅓ of the 30% allocation to the treasury of Project New Wind) will be held and controlled by the ownerless Foundation. When and if this proposal is approved, the Foundation’s initial governing documents will mandate the Foundation to only use the treasury for the above specified purposes in furtherance of the development and growth of Project New Wind. In Phase 2, we propose expanding the scope of on-chain governance by amending the governing documents of the Foundation such that they mandate the use of certain programmatic, smart-contract-based controls over the New Token pool, ensuring that the token holders can give feedback to, and provide checks/balances against potential misconduct by, the human managers of the Foundation (see “Offchain Structure” below).

***NFTX and FLOOR tokens currently held by the respective treasuries of NFTX and FloorDAO will not qualify for migration to New Token. This includes tokens in protocol-owned-liquidity (POL) positions, which will be gradually unpaired and removed from the applicable liquidity pools over the course of the first 12 months after the migration window opens. If this proposal passes, all such tokens will be burned by the combined treasury of Project New Window, by transferring such tokens to the following burn address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

The respective treasuries of FloorDAO and NFTX will be merged and put under a 4/7 Foundation multisig. The signers of which shall consist of leadership level operators from FloorDAO, NFTX and Merit Circle, for the foreseeable future. The multisig signers will enter into a multisig participation agreement with the Foundation, pursuant to which they are obligated to abide by – the multisig participation agreement will be published for transparency purposes.

Offchain Structure

We propose to incorporate a memberless (i.e., ownerless) Cayman Islands Foundation Company (the “Foundation”) whose memorandum of association, articles and bylaws (the “governing documents”) mandate that the Foundation must foster the development and growth of Project New Wind. In Phase 2, we propose expanding the scope of on-chain governance by amending the governing documents of the Foundation such that they mandate the use of certain programmatic, smart-contract-based controls over the New Token pool, ensuring that the token holders can give feedback to, and provide checks/balances against potential misconduct by, the human managers of the Foundation – as further described below.

Cayman Islands Foundation Companies are a popular choice for DAOs, protocol “foundations” and other crypto-/DeFi-/web3-related entities. The same features that make such entities useful in those contexts also render them suitable for Project New Wind:

  • Tax-free status within the Cayman Islands;

  • “Memberless” structure so that the entity need not be ‘owned’ by any person(s) and can therefore be operated for non-profit, community-aligned purposes;

  • Limited liability for managers and service providers of the entity (except in the event of fraud, crime, or the knowing and intentional breach of the entity’s rules);

  • Governance customizability capable of accommodating novel smart-contract-based rules and mechanisms; and

  • A jurisdiction with a longstanding commitment to fostering digital asset endeavours and an ecosystem of law firms and other service providers deeply embedded in the crypto ecosystem.

The Foundation would be managed by its director(s) – initially, a sole director, however the sole director may also appoint (an) additional director(s). The Foundation may from time to time retain independent contractors or other types of service providers, which would include the respective teams from NFTX, FloorDAO and Merit Circle. The provision of services by these teams for the Foundation are managed by the director(s).

Like all memberless Cayman Islands Foundation Companies, the Foundation would have a supervisor overseeing the actions of the directors (the “Supervisor”). The Supervisor has a duty to the Foundation to ensure that its rules are enforced and can hold the director(s) liable for any misconduct. The Supervisor would be a professional corporate services company in the Cayman Islands.

In Phase 2, we propose that the appointment and removal of directors should be subject to veto by the token holders. Meaning that the token holders can block any appointment or removal of directors of the Foundation. Additionally, the Foundation’s amended governing documents would allow the token holders to appoint an emergency council or supervisor to, respectively, oversee any critical smart contract systems or the Foundation in times of crisis. For example, if the director(s) of the Foundation ‘go rogue’ and breach their duties (such as the governing documents of the Foundation), the emergency supervisor could, if appointed, be given the legal right, pursuant to a combination of Cayman Islands statutory authority and the Foundation governing documents, to enforce the rules of the Foundation and sue the director(s) who violated them. The token holders would also have the ability to appoint and remove members of the Council.

Amendment Number One (1)


Allocation of New Token remains the same, except for the mechanism for vesting/distribution of New Token for team and current contributors (including MC/Beam).

Team tokens will still be split among the team of contributors formed by NFTX, FloorDAO and Merit Circle’s treasury. The team tokens will still be subject to a 6-month cliff upon the opening of the migration window and a 30-month linear vesting period thereafter. However, pursuant to an enforceable contract entered into by each team member/contributor, all vested team tokens would be non-transferable unless and until the fully diluted valuation of New Token reaches or exceeds $75,000,000 (as determined by a third-party token tracking service, such as CoinGecko or Coin Market Cap). At any time the fully diluted valuation of New Token reaches or exceeds $75,000,000, all vested team tokens will become transferable at the discretion of each team member/contributor (and will remain transferable for so long as the the fully diluted valuation of New Token reaches or exceeds $75,000,000).

For the avoidance of doubt, all NFTX and FloorDAO team members with existing team vesting schedules applicable to NFTX and FLOOR tokens will still be terminated and replaced with the milestone lock-up described above (with the exception of Gaus, who will continue to receive NFTX tokens under his existing vesting schedule, which he will be able to periodically convert into New Token at his discretion).

Other than as described above, the content of the proposal remains unchanged from how it was originally published by ChopChop (NFTX), Caps (FloorDAO) and Marco (Merit Circle) on 21 March 2024. As always, we welcome continued feedback from the community to both the full proposal and the amended portion.

Amendment Number Two (2)

Before diving into the final amendment proposed below, let me briefly explain the intent. The purpose of this final amendment is to integrate a few final changes to the current state of the proposal, while respecting the original vision of Project New Wind (“PNW”). Although the team proposing PNW fully understands that this will impact certain aspects of the direction of the project, this final amendment aims to address the main concerns raised by a specific group of token holders voiced on the forum. The primary goal here is to provide a detailed and structured approach to the steps that will be taken prior to the launch of PNW, if the final amended proposal succeeds through a snapshot vote.


The current proposal for PNW has generated significant discussion within the community, highlighting a need for more detailed procedural steps regarding the outcome for all token holders. The original proposal suggested a blanket approach to transitioning to PNW, which raised concerns about transparency and governance. Since then, an additional amendment has been proposed by the authors, where a ≥$75M FDV hurdle was put in place before any contributor tokens can become transferable, in addition to the 36-month vesting schedule that was already in the original proposal. This final amendment will be additive to all prior amendments and aims to address expressed concerns by introducing an option for those token holders of NFTX and FLOOR who do not want to join PNW (the “Non-Consenting Token Holders”) to instead break away from PNW and pursue a different path at their sole collective discretion. The mechanics for how this would work are described below, but for the avoidance of doubt, any actions taken by the Non-Consenting Token Holders during the process described below or following its conclusion are made at the sole discretion of the Non-Consenting Token Holders and without the approval or involvement of the respective teams of NFTX and FloorDAO.

Key Changes Introduced by this Final Amendment:

1. On-Chain Approval Mechanism:

  • Prior to the launch of PNW and the migration of NFTX and FLOOR to New Token, an on-chain vote will be initiated to determine community support for the final amended proposal. This step ensures that the community has a direct say in the decision-making process.
  • If the final amended proposal is approved by the on-chain vote, the Non-Consenting Token Holders will have 7 days to determine and develop a method for migrating away from PNW, which shall be done at their sole collective discretion and without input or assistance from the respective teams of NFTX and FloorDAO (the “Migration Window”).
  • If the Non-Consenting Token Holders are unable to launch a means for migrating away from PNW during the Migration Window, or if no single NFTX or FLOOR token decides to migrate away from PNW during the Migration Window, PNW will launch exactly as described in the original proposal with 100% of the treasury assets of NFTX and FloorDAO.

2. Remaining Treasury Assets:

  • If the Non-Consenting Token Holders are able to launch a means for migrating away from PNW during the Migration Window, and if at least one NFTX or FLOOR token decides to migrate away from PNW during the Migration Window, a portion of the treasury assets will remain in the existing multisig wallets and will not be transferred over to the new multisig wallet controlled by the Foundation (the “Remainder”).
  • All other treasury assets will transfer over to the new multisig wallet held by the Foundation for PNW in accordance with the original proposal.
  • The Remainder will stay in the existing multisig wallets for a period of 45 days. After which, control over these multisig wallets will be shifted to the persons selected by the Non-Consenting Token Holders at their sole discretion without input or assistance from the respective teams of NFTX and FloorDAO (the “Selected Persons”).

3. Obligations and Responsibilities:

  • The Selected Persons are expected to act in the best interests of the Non-Consenting Token Holders. However, ultimately, it will be up to the Non-Consenting Token Holders to determine their own governance process and methods for holding the Selected Persons accountable. The existing NFTX and FloorDAO teams will not be responsible for the actions taken by the Selected Persons, nor will the existing NFTX and FloorDAO teams be liable in any manner, whether to the Non-Consenting Token Holders or otherwise, for the acts or omissions of the Selected Persons. The Non-Consenting Token Holders and the Selected Persons assume all risks in this regard.

Treasury and Tokenomics:

1. Treasury:

  • Assuming that (i) the Non-Consenting Token Holders are able to launch a means for migrating away from PNW during the Migration Window, and (ii) at least one NFTX or FLOOR token decides to migrate away from PNW during the Migration Window, the Remainder will be left in the existing multisig wallets of NFTX and FloorDAO, respectively.
  • The Remainder will reflect the relative amount of NFTX and FLOOR tokens that have elected not to continue with PNW and to pursue an alternative path as a Non-Consenting Token Holder.
  • The composition of the treasury assets shall be divided between the existing multisig wallets of NFTX/FloorDAO and the new multisig wallet held by the Foundation for PNW as follows:
    • Any fungible assets and non-fungible assets that can be fractionalised will be split according to the ratio (in USD) between the Remainder and the amount transfering to the new multisig wallet controlled by the Foundation for PNW (the “Ratio”):
    • Prior to the determination of the Ratio:
      • All ERC721 tokens that can be fractionalised will be fractionalised into their corresponding ERC20 token via NFTX, and will be split according to the Ratio.
      • All available harvests and claims will be made.
      • All inventory positions will be unstaked (e.g., xPUNK will be converted to PUNK).
      • Dust positions (with a value of less than USD 100) will be disregarded.
      • All NFTX and FLOOR tokens will be excluded.
    • Any assets that are non-fungible and cannot be fractionalised will transfer to the new multisig wallet controlled by the Foundation for PNW.

2. Tokenomics:

  • The final amendment will directly impact the proposed tokenomics of PNW, particularly the portion of the New Token supply that will be allocated to migrating token holders of NFTX and FloorDAO.
  • Earlier, the PNW camp voluntarily proposed a ≥$75M FDV hurdle before any contributor tokens can become transferable. This was inspired by feedback from the community and is in addition to the 36-month vesting period the tokens are subject to. This amendment will stay in place and will not be adjusted in any way based on the outcome of the vote. In accordance with this final amendment, the effective hurdle for contributor token transferability can only increase (based on the number of Non-Consenting Token Holders), which is to the benefit of the future PNW token holders. In doing so, the current group of contributors reiterates their belief in the long-term prospects of PNW.
  • The exchange rate between NFTX/FLOOR tokens to New Token (previously 2:1 in the original proposal) will be adjusted based on the Ratio determined after the Migration Window closes. When it is clear following the conclusion of the Migration Window how many NFTX and FLOOR token holders are Non-Consenting Token Holders, and how many NFTX and FLOOR token holders are supporters of PNW, the Ratio will be estimated as precisely and fairly as possible. The conversion rate of both current NFTX and FLOOR tokens into New Token will be accordingly adjusted based on how many NFTX and FLOOR token holders elect to be Non-Consenting Token Holders.
  • For the PNW side, the same 50% of token supply is made available for conversion into New Token. Since there can only be equal (100%) or fewer tokens migrating into PNW versus the original proposal, the amount of New Tokens that supporters of PNWs will get upon migration of their NFTX and FLOOR tokens can only increase. Anyone who decides to join the Non-Consenting Token Holders during the Migration Window will relinquish the opportunity to receive New Tokens in PNW.
  • Non-Consenting Token Holders will need to decide, at their sole discretion and without input or assistance from the respective teams of NFTX and FloorDAO, the mechanism, rules, name, or denominator of their token should they decide to create one during the Migration Window.

Chronology of Steps prior to Launch of Project New Wind:

1. Snapshot Proposal:

  • The proposal, including all amendments, will be submitted to Snapshot for a temperature check vote. This non-binding vote will gauge community support and guide the next steps. If the proposal stalls at this stage, the team will consider all alternative options to continue its mission of building PNW.

2. Migration Phase:

  • If the proposal passes, the Non-Consenting Token Holders will have a 7 day window to determine, develop and launch a method for migrating away from PNW, which shall be done at their sole collective discretion and without input or assistance from the respective teams of NFTX and FloorDAO (the “Migration Window”).
  • Prior to the Migration Window, the respective treasury assets of NFTX and FloorDAO will be unwound (not sold), and balance sheets for both treasuries will be published. This phase ensures that all token holders have a clear understanding of their options and the implications of their choices.

3. Asset Transfers:

  • If the Non-Consenting Token Holders are unable to launch a means for migrating away from PNW during the Migration Window, or if no single NFTX or FLOOR token decides to migrate away from PNW during the Migration Window, PNW will launch as originally intended, meaning that 100% of the treasury assets of NFTX and FloorDAO will be transferred to a new multisig wallet controlled by the Foundation, governed by and in accordance with the original proposal.
  • If the Non-Consenting Token Holders are able to launch a means for migrating away from PNW during the Migration Window, and if at least one NFTX or FLOOR token decides to migrate away from PNW during the Migration Window, a portion of the treasury assets of NFTX and FloorDAO will remain in the existing multisig wallets and will not be transferred over to the new multisig wallet controlled by the Foundation (the “Remainder”).
  • The Remainder will stay in the existing multisig wallets for a period of 45 days following the conclusion of the Migration Window. After which, control over these multisig wallets will be shifted to the persons selected by the Non-Consenting Token Holders (the “Selected Persons”). During these 45 days, PNW will not liquidate material amounts of the treasury assets allocated to PNW in an effort to ensure that the floor price of such assets (if applicable) will not be materially impacted. The 45-day period gives both the Non-Consenting Token Holders and the supporters of PNW time to put in place proper governance, structure, and process. It also puts a minimum and maximum delay threshold to any effective transfer of value, in effect acting as a safety mechanism.

4. Finalization and Launch:

  • The current teams of NFTX and FloorDAO will resign from their core team positions at NFTX and FloorDAO, respectively, and merge into a combined team for PNW, where they will pursue the development of PNW as further described in the original proposal. At this point, any relationship that the teams of NFTX and FloorDAO have with NFTX and FloorDAO, respectively, will be fully and formally terminated.
  • The Non-Consenting Token Holders will then be ultimately responsible for determining their own governance process and methods for selecting and holding the Selected Persons accountable.
  • The existing NFTX and FloorDAO teams will not be responsible for the actions taken by the Selected Persons, nor will the existing NFTX and FloorDAO teams be liable in any manner, whether to the Non-Consenting Token Holders or otherwise, for the acts or omissions of the Selected Persons. The Non-Consenting Token Holders and the Selected Persons assume all risks in this regard.
  • The migration to PNW will proceed as originally intended, ensuring legitimate off-chain structuring and governance systems are in place in accordance with the original proposal. The launch of PNW will be initiated within the timelines envisaged in the original proposal.


This final amendment aims to enhance transparency and community involvement in the execution of PNW, while also ensuring that the project progresses in a manner that reflects the diverse interests of all token holders of NFTX and FloorDAO. By adding this final amendment, we aim to provide a clear, structured, and community-driven path forward. Let’s work together to finalize and implement this proposal to achieve our shared vision and goals.



Due to the impact of this proposal, this temperature check vote will run for 7 days.

  • Minimum Quorum: More than 10% of circulating, non-treasury NFTX must participate for a proposal to Pass.

  • This temperature check runs simultaniously for FloorDAO and NFTX. If either DAO doesn’t agree to move ahead, the proposal will not pass into its’ next stage.

  • Passing Threshold: More than 66.6% (2/3rds) of voting tokens must vote FOR for the XIP to Pass. For changes to the NFTX contract, more than 70% of voting tokens must vote FOR the XIP to pass towards on-chain voting.

NFTX Snapshot: Snapshot

FloorDAO Snapshot: Snapshot

Update: Both snapshot posts have reached governance quorum.

The window for NCTH, and its Selected Persons, to self-organize breaking away from Project New Wind is set between June 11th 21:08 CET - June 18th 21:08 CET. Failing to deliver and execute the break away within this timeframe according to pre-determined requirements will result in Project New Wind moving on as originally proposed (including amendment #1).