Proposal: FROYO vault fees and settings


  • James, quag


  • DAO
  • Vault Settings
  • Fee Structure


This proposal is intended to change the FROYO vault fees to 6/3/4/9/10 and to enable users to target redeem and target swap.

(Fees are defined Sell/Random Buy/Target Buy/ Random Swap/Target Swap)

This is being put forward after acquiring a >50% LP share and discussion with the Froyo community. A froyokitten discord poll created by previous majority LP and voted on by froyo holders was 100% in favour for turning on target redemptions/swaps.

Screenshot 2022-04-22 at 12.36.36


The inability for users to target buy and swap from the FROYO vault causes friction with aggregators like Gem who have not yet integrated random purchases from NFTX vaults. Providing inventory and liquidity and missing out on a large share of buyers (gem) and fee capture makes the vault unnappealing for new entrants. Dune Dashboard shows 90% of NFTX vault ‘redeem’ fees come from targeted compared to random.

The fee changes come via recommendation from one of NFTX’s biggest vault LPs.


FROYO liquidity and inventory providers will see more activity from the target redemption and target swaps combined with a competitive fee schedule.


  • None of consequence noted


If this proposal passes, we will update the FROYO vault to match the settings and fees outlined above.

Funding request

No. This request requires no funding.


  • Discord: FroyoKittens
  "address": "0xA0Eac5D90Be5e6346B22895a207d49FBe9711447",
  "msg": "vaultId: 428\nTarget Redeem: 4%\nRandom Redeem: 3%\nMint: 6%\nRandom Swap: 9%\nTargeted Swap: 10%\n\nTarget Redeem: enabled\nTarget Swap: enabled",
  "sig": "0xa147db9d24bf0d9dd8f56155762c7c247ef8ba23bcd38bbd4a82e5f54853687f2fd5358e1c60213dd036c6f48efa031980034cf4fa8ed6cc8ebd6b97eee66a9101",
  "version": "2"

LP Position on NFTX

Screenshot 2022-04-22 at 13.16.45

Quorum (for forum)

  • Minimum Quorum: At least 5 votes
  • Passing Threshold: More than 50% must vote in agreement
Make changes to FROYO vault
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters