- Javery (@Core)
Fee Structure
Target Redeem
This proposal is intended to increase the current global default fee structure percentage for Target Swaps from 6% to 10%
The current fee structure for all vaults using the default global fees are:
- 10% Mint (sell)
- 4% Random Swap
- 6% Targeted Swap
- 4% Random Redeem (random buy)
- 6% Targeted Redeem (target buy)
The result that is being aimed for is creating higher organic APRs for both liquidity and inventory providers based on the existing vault usage.
Since rolling out the second version of NFTX Protocol, we’ve recommended setting fees for new vaults at a 10/4/6/4/6 rate with the idea to optimize fees generated for liquidity & inventory providers.
The optimal fee settings for vaults is still something that requires adjusting overtime, with these changes being another step along that optimisation path.
When users require immediate liquidity, they are able to sell their NFTs into the NFTX vault and often don’t discriminate between floor and non-floor NFTs.
These non-floor NFTs are then immediately target swapped out with a fee of 0.06 vault tokens, and due to the small amount of tokens needed the spread is low and often costs a fraction of the cost of the gas for the transaction itself.
The Target Redeem (target buy) fee will remain the same at 6% for two reasons. Firstly, it improves the opportunity for NFTX items to rank high on Aggregator listings (Gem and Genie); and secondly because this approach requires the purchase of 1.06 tokens making the price impact higher and more expensive to execute than with a target swap.
Another reason users will target swap will be to update their existing NFT for one which is more aesthetically pleasing to them, and an additional 4% fee on fee on the floor price is unlikely to sway their decision (for example if the floor is 1ETH for a collection a user is likely to pay 1.1ETH for an item they like rather than get the cheapest item from the collection).
Over the past 90 days there have been
- 3313 Target Swaps
- 40 Random Swaps
- 12020 Target Redeems
- 2785 Random Redeems
For target swaps this generated (approx) 198.78 tokens in fees.
If the fees were on the new structure (assuming all transactions would have occurred) there would be an additional 132.52 tokens in fees distributed to inventory/liquidity stakers, totalling 331.3
This would mean that 1,325 swaps (almost 40%) would need to NOT have been actioned for the fees to be exactly the same as they currently are (see the table below for the fees generated vs falling activity).
Updating the fee structure for target swaps will increase the fees generated and improve the APRs for the NFTX vaults.
The fee increase could reduce the target redeem activity by more than 40% and cause a negative impact on fee generation
The fees are fixed for 30 days after changes.
If this proposal passes, we will update the global default Target Swap fee from 6% to 10%, giving an updated default fee structure of:
- 10% Mint (sell)
- 4% Random Swap
- 10% Targeted Swap
- 4% Random Redeem (random buy)
- 6% Targeted Redeem (target buy)
You can check the vaults that will be impacted by this change through this GraphQL query.
Funding request
No. This request requires no funding.
- Discord: NFTX
Quorum (for Snapshot)
Minimum Quorum: More than 10% of circulating, non-treasury NFTX must participate for a proposal to Pass.
Passing Threshold: More than 50% of voting tokens must vote FOR for the XIP to Pass. For changes to the NFTX contract, more than 70% of voting tokens must vote FOR for the NIP to pass.
- Yes, increase Global Default Target Swap fees to 10%
- No, leave the Target Swap fees at 6%
0 voters