Weekly Governance Call - #2 - January 27th

Meeting date: Wednesday, January 27th, 2021, 16:00 UTC

Singapore: 00:00 AM
Los Angeles: 08:00 AM
New York: 11:00 AM
Berlin: 17:00 PM

Meeting Link: https://meet.jit.si/nftxgovcall

Meeting Agenda: Weekly Governance Call #2 - Google Docs

Meeting Recording:

The call will be recorded and uploaded to youtube at a later time


Reserved for Call Notes

  • Front-end should be open source within a week

  • Artblocks Fund - If anyone is interested in pushing a proposal for an Artblocks fund

  • Floor Pools - Remove liquidity from sushi to add to the floor pools? (Yes) - How much?

  • xSushi - Should we move our farmed sushi to the sushibar (Yes) - At what interval?

  • Notion - Consensus is to move to use Notion for organization

  • Gallery - Currently starting to build an MVP of a gallery to display all NFTs held by the DAO

  • Builder incentive framework - Security Disclosures/Gas Reimbursements/Grants/Rabbithole

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