ChopChop, Quag
This proposal is intended to extend jackieboi his position as Senior Architect on the Consumer Products squad for an additional 12-month period.
His main role for the NFTX DAO will remain to define application infrastructure and ops, and scale the capabilities and robustness of the platform to compete as a fully decentralized marketplace.
Since the appointment of Jackieboi in the Consumer Squad, lots changed within NFTX and the general NFT x DeFi landscape. The team and product offering has grown further, we’ve seen decentralized market-making projects such as FloorDAO launch and NFT Aggregators such as Gem and Genie became the go-to marketplace for web3 native users.
It’s clear for the NFTX core team that the NFT x DeFi movement is here to stay, and we want to remain among the leaders of this movement to offer the best and most efficient offerings to our users. Therefore retaining our current product and protocol builders that have put us in that position is key, while we must also focus on extending our team to grow the NFTX DAO further.
We’d like to propose an additional 12 month core position for Jackieboi, to remain him as a senior architect within the consumer products squad as he’s been critical in the building of our DApps over the past 12 months, scaling our infrastructure with nftxjs and the nftx api, and helping bridge the web2/web3 gap in performance. He continues to take on the challenges we have and deliver for us.
- jackieboi has proven to be a driving force in the applications team - keeping him on will further strengthen the product offering NFTX delivers.
- None noted.
Extending jackieboi his position will keep him remaining responsible for:
- Ensuring long term scalability of the platform
- Increasing reliability and robustness of code
- Streamlining the relationship between devops and infrastructure
- Explaining, documenting and implementing solutions for new features and complex problems
- Championing speed, performance, availability, and quality
Funding request - Yes - Implementation Requires Funding
In order to appoint jackieboi, we’d like to extend his current package, for which funds are required from the DAO treasury. Package is paid with a 75-to-25% ratio in USDC/NFTX, as defined below:
- 131250 USDC 12-months vesting schedule using Sablier.
- NFTX (Worth 43750 USD) paid quarterly, calculated at spot price each quarter.
These funds are to be paid upfront after the vote passes and jackieboi commits full-time. Extension of his position after 12 months at NFTX will require a new proposal.
- Reference to original proposal: Snapshot 11
Proposed points of discussion.
- Compensation
Quorum (For forum)
- Minimum Quorum: At least 5 votes
- Passing Threshold: More than 50% must vote in agreement for the XIP to Pass. For changes to the NFTX contract, more than 70% must vote in agreement for the XIP to pass.
- Yes, extend position
- No
0 voters